Last Chance – Game Play Trailer

Software: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Animate cc (Flash), and Premiere.

This was a group project.

My Roles:

1. Lead Background Artist – I made the galaxy background in After Effects. The other backgrounds I created in Illustrator. I didn’t make the Lava background or the character vs character screen.

2. Lead Background Animator – I animated all of the backgrounds in this animation.

3. Co-Character Animator – I helped animate characters in the various scenes except for the characters in the fight scene.

4. Co-Weapons Artist – I made two swords, a spiked hammer, and the spiked ball mace.

5.Effects Animator – I animated the space ship, made it look like someone was playing and choosing characters, animated the loot, animated the inventory screen, and animated the health bars and power ups.

6. Logo Animation/Coming Never – I created the text in Photoshop and then animated it in Animate cc (Flash). The logo character was created in Illustrator and animated in Animate cc (Flash). The logo character was inspired by a shape I saw in the frost on my car’s window.

Team members:

1. Tim Myers: Co-background designer, co-character designer, co-weapons designer, storyboard artist.

2. David Lewis: Co-background animator for cinematic trailer, sounds effects, character animator for cinematic trailer, animatic.

3. Alexa Klusman: Character design lead, co-character animator for gameplay trailer.

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