Anti Smoking PSA



Software: Illustrator, Animate, and After Effects

Target audience: expecting moms.

This video shows the effects of secondhand smoking. The cigarette smoke was intentionally green because green is commonly used to signalize poison.

The characters and backgrounds were made in Adobe illustrator and animated in Adobe Animate(Flash). The “cloud” borders that emphasized her daydream were created in Adobe After Effects using the roughen edges effect. Smoke transitions were also created in Adobe after Effects. I drew them out with the pen tool, then applied a blur on the layer, and then added a rotation. Audio was put together and edited in Adobe Premiere. The smoke coming from the cigarette was animated as a movie clip symbol in Adobe Animate.

The bald doctor is my favorite character mostly because of the mustache and he looks cool. The Soccer scene was the most challenging because there were a lot of parts that I had to keep organized. Also I had to not only make the kids run but also make it look like the kids were running all over the soccer field by shrinking them down and scaling them up.

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